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Todd Haberkorn MBTI Personality Type

Todd Haberkorn MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Todd Haberkorn? Todd Haberkorn is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 728 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

Its weird seeing him typed because I met the guy in real life lmao


One of Funimation's voice actor stars with a distinct and recognizable voice, Todd Michael Haberkorn's (born August 16, 1982 in Arlington, Texas) current claims to fame are Allen Walker, Death the Kid, Ling Yao, Natsu Dragneel, and North Italy. He was also the host of "FUNimation Update". Though not pigeonholed yet, he's played some Bishōnen with berserk buttons, and tends to be a shoe-in for being cast as bizarre, eccentric, shady, and insane characters. In fact, many people consider his casting as Watanuki from ×××HOLiC to be virtually "written for him"! Can ad-lib incomprehensible, random scared noises like nobody's business, in the same vein as John DiMaggio. These days, he is starting to become quite similar to Vic Mignogna, having formed a friendship/video rivalry with said actor, started up his own fan team on Facebook, his presence is growing at cons, and the Fairy Tail commentary confirms that he is now officially stationed in Los Angeles instead of Texas!
