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Griffin Burns MBTI Personality Type

Griffin Burns MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Griffin Burns? Griffin Burns is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 728 in Enneagram, SCUAN in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

He is the very extremely energetic person I have ever seen. Also, he has a lot of talent, and how to use his talent is so fun. We know he voice acted as Childe, but u know what? He is pretty smart, like singing a song with Childe's voice and getting reach on tiktok. Just saw his 4 songs, which help to make the community being healthy. Of course, on live, his conversation was gentle. As a INFP, i feel it💀. (Maybe you have some misunderstood things, but remember, it's only what i think. Thank you)


Griffin Burns (born October 26, 1989 in Los Angeles, California, USA) is an American voice actor who works for Bang Zoom! Entertainment. He is known for voicing Akira Fudo in Devilman: Crybaby, Vinegar Doppio in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo, Jinta “Jintan” Yadomi in Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, Nate Adams in Yo-Kai Watch, Ritsuka Fujimaru in Fate/Grand Order: First Order and Childe from Genshin Impact.
