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Hitomi Nabatame MBTI Personality Type

Hitomi Nabatame MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Hitomi Nabatame? Hitomi Nabatame is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Hitomi Nabatame (born August 4, 1976) is one of the newer generation voice actresses with an impressive vocal range. She's done bratty girls, an Emotionless Elegant Gothic Lolita, a sexy, mature lady, and then an abrasive woman. She finds herself pigeonholed into Hard-Drinking Party Girl characters and anything with Les Yay (her Eroge roles, however, put her in a cute childish). She also has a habit of calling some her fellow voice actresses 'wives' (Yui Horie as Wife #1, Mamiko Noto as Wife #2, Kaori Shimizu as Wife #3, Ami Koshimizu as Wife #4). She also had a short relationship acting stint with Kenichi Suzumura. Nabatame has an interesting entry in the world of anime, as she was considered such a genius in her area of expertise that after graduating from her school she immediately got scouted for a main character position in Maburaho. She announced her marriage, on her birthday which is also the same birthday of one of her characters, Mana Aida/Cure Heart.
