Brittany Murphy MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Brittany Murphy? Brittany Murphy is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 297 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Amazing Actress. She manages to show a different character in every role that she played, you couldn't even recognize her, besides the way she looks in different roles. I wish she would have been more successful and happy. Personally, I feel like she is an ESFP. I have always seen a lot of se in her. The way she is so present in every scene, you couldn't try to look away from her, even if she is just a side character. She just wanted to be an actress and didn't take in consideration that she was also going to be a part of the public life and that paparazzi would be after her. I also get ENFP, but I never saw a lot of ne in her interviews and personality. But fi is definitely second. Like I said, she wanted to act for her self and just did it because she wanted to. I think of she wouldn't have liked it, she would have been trying to get into the music industry more. But all in all she is a bit hard to type, since we don't have a lot of information on her. (not saying that she is impossible to type, but it's just a bit hard, since she wasn't madly popular before the role in that one movie with eminem and little foot and didn't give a lot of interviews bevor that) I'm also open to changing my mind if anyone has other opinions about se or ne.


Brittany Anne Murphy-Monjack (born Brittany Anne Bertolotti; November 10, 1977 – December 20, 2009) was an American actress and singer. A native of Atlanta, Murphy moved to Los Angeles as a teenager and pursued a career in acting. Her breakthrough role was as Tai Frasier in Clueless (1995), followed by supporting roles in independent films such as Freeway (1996) and Bongwater (1998). She made her stage debut in a Broadway production of Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge in 1997, before appearing as Daisy Randone in Girl, Interrupted (1999) and as Lisa Swenson in Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999).

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