SLUAI MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is SLUAI? SLUAI is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/so - 749 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

4 really isn’t accommodating, much less sx 4. Sx 4s make others suffer to mute their own pain and “projecting the responsibility for meeting their needs onto others and minimizing others' accomplishments in comparison with their own”. Even 4 in general is very self absorbed and centred around their own emotions, finding it hard to trust others due to being a reactive type. The only 4 variant that could perhaps be viewed as accommodating is sp, however they wouldn’t really fit best with unorderly due to working hard to get what they desire. 4 also doesn’t fit with social due to being a withdrawn type and very pessimistic. I don’t think any enneagram fits too well with this so I’m open to other suggestions but I lean towards 7w6 because 7 fits very well with S,U and I and the social variant with A also, and the way that 7w6 struggles more with the avoidant and over thinking aspects of type 7 could add some extra limbic points. And even if a positive outlook type doesn’t fit best with most areas of neuroticism, 7s are definitely prone to struggles with immoderation. Volition includes “decisions, activation energy, willpower, planning, personal direction, goals, responsibilities, control, authority, obligations, and esteem” and conscientiousness in big 5 includes “self-efficacy, orderliness, dutifulness, achievement striving, self discipline and cautiousness”. These two lists of traits are very similar, so it doesn’t make sense that someone unorderly would be confident in volition. Openness also correlates most with confident logic and emotion since logic contains intellect and emotion contains emotionality and imagination, so an openness type would be more likely to be confident in these. I think accommodating fits best with 2E since 2E users trusting the emotions of others makes it easier for them to be high on things included in accommodating like trust, sympathy and cooperation. Therefore, I think LEFV or possibly LEVF is the best attitudinal psyche match.


Social = High Extraversion Limbic = High Neuroticism Unorganised = Low Conscientiousness Accommodating = High Agreeableness Inquisitive = High Openness Read more about the traits and facets of the Big Five in the PDB wiki:
