Choleric (Mostly) MBTI Personality Type
What personality type is Choleric (Mostly)? Choleric (Mostly) is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 837 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.
One way to determine temperament is to link them to the different styles of interacting: 1) Choleric (D): extraverted - task oriented - Directive, initiating, outcome - ESTP, ESTJ, ENTJ, ENFJ 2) Sanguine (I): extraverted - people oriented - Informing, initiating, process - ESFP, ESFJ, ENTP, ENFP 3) Phlegmatic (S): introverted - people oriented - Informing, responding, outcome - ISFP, ISFJ, INTP, INFP 4) Melancholic (C): introverted - task oriented - Directive, responding, process - ISTP, ISTJ, INTJ, INFJ Another way to determine temperament is to link them to Keirsey's 4 temperaments: 1) Choleric: NT - Pure Choleric: ENTJ 2) Sanguine: SP - Pure Sanguine: ESFP 3) Phlegmatic: NF - Pure Phlegmatic: INFP 4) Melancholic: SJ - Pure Melancholic: ISTJ Sources: - - -
Extroverted, short-tempered, and task-oriented. Normally callous and unemotional, but will get angry for personal reasons. Key Strengths: Takes the lead, hard worker, strong-willed, practical, passionate, a good repossession worker, security or military personnel, an excellent strongman/woman of the team (drill sergeant at the most extreme), determined, goal-oriented and sometimes thrives on criticism. Key Weaknesses: Hot-tempered, rude, rebellious, can be cruel, stubborn, bossy, expects complete devotion, insensitive, often condescending, can become psychotic in overbearing situations, workaholic, without compassion or conscience, can be a warmonger, vengeful, a selfish cynic of a person's character, most likely a bad winner/loser, and may misinterpret jokes.