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Hello Kitty MBTI Personality Type

Hello Kitty MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Hello Kitty? Hello Kitty is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 721 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

"There are three messages in Hello Kitty. First is, you should be loved, and you need to be nice to others to be loved. And the ribbon represents human connections. We should get along with one another. Also, having no mouth means we need to express with our actions, not only by words. Those are the meanings." - Quote from Shintaro Tsuji, the founder of Sanrio :-3 this screams fe!! getting along with others, loving others, making connections with others, peace and harmony… this is the so9 ef(s) BLUEPRINT


Hello Kitty (ハローキティ, Harō Kitī), also known by her full name, Kitty White (キティ・ホワイト, Kitī Howaito), is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, created by Yuko Shimizu, and designed by Yuko Yamaguchi. She is portrayed as a female white Japanese Bobtail Cat with a red bow worn on her left ear and often wears blue overalls with a yellow shirt on top. The character's first appearance on an item, a vinyl coin purse, was introduced in Japan in 1974. In Hello Kitty's Paradise, Hello Kitty & Friends, and Growing Up with Hello Kitty, she has gray paw pads. Hello Kitty's favorite food is her mama's apple pie.
