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My Melody MBTI Personality Type

My Melody MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is My Melody? My Melody is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 926 in Enneagram, RCOAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

To be clear, the anime My Melody and the overall My Melody are two very different, almost opposite, characters. While anime My Melody is a clear INFP with a very strong, clearly unhealthy Ne: (She is disconnected from reality, unable to learn from her own mistakes, she is very passive and ignorant of sensing danger), who makes decisions throughout her own feelings and is very aware of them. fi > fe On the other hand, My Melody tends to be portrayed as ISFJ in most media. On the show Hello Kitty and Friends Supercute Adventures, for example, she is almost the opposite: extremely pragmatic, responsible and grounded on reality. Besides that, her values are more fe driven than fi driven as we can see on that episode when she brings a plushie to a sleepover ( https://youtu.be/plK8TqB4vg0 ) but is too ashamed of it, as they are not socially acceptable. Later, she calms down as she realizes her friends sleep with plushies as well. I will remind you that this profile is for how My Melody is overall portrayed and so it's not only based on the anime. There is a profile for the Onegai My Melody anime which is here: https://www.personality-database.com/profile?pid=2&cid=8&sub_cat_id=12935


My Melody (マイメロディ, Mai Merodi), frequently shortened as My Melo (マイメロ Mai Mero), Hello Kitty‘s best friend, is a white rabbit from the Japanese characterization company Sanrio. When she debuted, she was portraying Little Red Riding Hood in her version of the classic fairy tale. That is why she wears a red (or pink) hood that covers her ears, often having a bow or a flower on her right side. She is a very honest, good-natured girl. Her favorite food is almond pound cake. She was born on January 18th in the magical forest of Mariland, the home to many of her friends.
