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Sumire Uesaka MBTI Personality Type

Sumire Uesaka MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Sumire Uesaka? Sumire Uesaka is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 541 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

I'm rewriting my original post. If you want a quick insight into her personality, this is very 5w4 INTP existentialist humor, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUsZEidgYvo. Fe vs. Ti - she's has an awkward but gentle and very warm charisma, there's no prickliness or preference for bluntness - she wants to connect with people (low but present Fe) (an example of someone who's similarily laid back but has no problem with bluntness would Inori Minase, who is almost certainly a Fi/Te user) - everything about her way of thinking aligns with INTP, she's an overthinker and is existentially-minded (high Ti) -she has a strong identity with all of her interests but she's very aware of how she's coming off to others (Fe over Fi) - she's extremely performative (Fe) Ni/Se vs. Ne/Si - she's stated that she recognizes people by the way they feel (Si over Se imo, it's focused on the sensation and how that affects her internally not on the superficial appearance) - she's likewise stated that she's very sensitive to room temperature (strong Si which, distilled down to its simplist form, is the function of comfortability) - extreme variety of interests from Russia to pro wrestling, metal etc. (indicative of high Ne or INxJ openess) - she's very awkward, neurotic and weird as opposed to cool and laid back (strongly indictative of INTP over ISTP, thus Ne over Ni)


Sumire Uesaka (上坂すみれ Uesaka Sumire, born December 19, 1991 in Kanagawa) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with Space Craft Entertainment. She received Best Rookie Actress at the 10th Seiyu Awards. She made her singing debut in April 2013 under King Records.

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