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Natsuki Hanae MBTI Personality Type

Natsuki Hanae MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Natsuki Hanae? Natsuki Hanae is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - 648 in Enneagram, SCOAN in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

feel like this man exudes wholesomeness <3 also his youtube channel is some top tier stuff


Natsuki Hanae (花江 夏樹, Hanae Natsuki, born June 26, 1991) is a Japanese voice actor. He is affiliated with Across Entertainment. Hanae entered workforce while in high school. He thought about his career, but planned to become a voice actor. Hanae joined Across Entertainment in November 2009. He made his first leading role in Tari Tari, and was credited as a composer for Episodes 5 and 12. He voiced Inaho Kaizuka in Aldnoah.Zero, Ken Kaneki in Tokyo Ghoul, Kōsei Arima in Your Lie in April, and Tanjiro Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He began uploading Let's Play videos on YouTube in March 2019, amassing over 500,000 subscribers seven months later. On August 27, 2016, Hanae announced that he had married a woman who is five years older than him. On September 20, 2020, Hanae became a father of fraternal twin girls. #NatsukiHanae
