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Megumi Ogata MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Megumi Ogata? Megumi Ogata is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 721 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.


Megumi Ogata (緒方 恵美, born June 6, 1965 in Tokyo, Japan) is a stage musical actress-turn-voice actress who has a following due to her unique voice, particularly her lower coarse voice which makes her one of the more famous go-to voice actresses for Bishōnen characters, and was named the first celebrity voice actress to startup the "Cool Boy" typecast; a trend followed by ladies like Romi Park, Mitsuki Saiga and Junko Minagawa; contrasting and splitting from Rica Matsumoto's Hotblooded boys line in an era where various character typecasts set shape. Ogata was famous for her roles as Shinji Ikari in Neon Genesis Evangelion, the original Haruka Tenoh of Sailor Moon, and her debut as Kurama in YuYu Hakusho. One very notable exception is her being the very willowy and girly Princess Emeraude, though she made up for it by later portraying the very bishonen Eagle in the next season.
