Chris Rock MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Chris Rock? Chris Rock is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 379 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

a bad joke is no excuse for violence. ENTP Rock's Fe child did not know where the line was, but then again how could he have known that? Ain't nobody got time to follow the Smiths' private life. Shoulda maybe done some Si research first lol ENFP Will's Fi parent was completely fine with the joke at first, until he saw how hurt INTJada's Fi child was, because 1: her acting career is basically nonexistent, 2: her weird disease made her selfconscious about the Se experience she's giving to other people, 3: her Se inf is absolutely unconscious about how great she looks bald. What I find funny is the following: This is the first time that I ever saw anybody defend an INTJ for completely overreacting... have that compassion for me sometimes, would ya


Christopher Julius "Chris" Rock III (born 1965) is a stand-up comedian, actor and producer. He is generally considered to be the successor to Richard Pryor as the most prominent black comedic actor and comedian. He got his break on Saturday Night Live in 1990 and left in 1993 and became a frequent guest star (not cast member) on In Living Color! during its lackluster final season as his character Cheap Pete from I'm Gonna Git You Sucka. Rock went mainstream with his second HBO stand-up special Bring the Pain in 1996, with his controversial routine assessing the state of black America: "Black People vs. Niggas". This led to the successful late-night comedy talk show The Chris Rock Show, which aired on HBO from 1997-2000. Several more acclaimed stand-up tours have followed, as have numerous film roles in both live-action and animation (Madagascar, Osmosis Jones, Fargo) and a sitcom based on his childhood. also wrote the story for, executive produced, and starred in Spiral.
