Oscar Isaac MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Oscar Isaac? Oscar Isaac is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - so/sx - 837 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

nooo people like him he can't be an Se dom


Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada (born March 9, 1979) is a Guatemalan-born American actor. He has played lead film roles in the comedy-drama Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), for which he received a Golden Globe Award nomination, the crime drama A Most Violent Year (2014), and the science fiction thriller Ex Machina (2015), in which he played Nathan Hamlet Bateman. In 2006, he portrayed Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, in The Nativity Story. He also portrayed José Ramos-Horta, former president of East Timor, and co-recipient of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize in the Australian film Balibo for which he won the AACTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. Also, he played the bass in a Ska band called “The Worms” in 1996.
