Charlie Bucket MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Charlie Bucket? Charlie Bucket is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 926 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Introverted Sensing (Si): Charlie’s family is the most important thing to him. He’s a very polite and well-behaved kid because his parents raised him this way. One of the reasons why he’s fascinated by the chocolate factory is the fact his grandfather used to be one of the employees. Listening to his grandpa’s stories is his favorite hobby. Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Charlie is an incredibly caring kid. He can eat chocolate only once a year, yet he insists on sharing his tablet with his whole family. When he gets his golden ticket, he seriously considers selling it on the black market so all his loved ones can have a good meal, and he eventually keeps the ticket because his grandparents tell him to. He’s obviously not fond of the brats, yet he doesn’t criticize them overtly. Introverted Thinking (Ti): Unlike Mike, Charlie is too well-behaved to brag about his brains. However, he can definitely do some logical thinking. When the Oompa-Loompas start singing about Augustus, he wonders how they knew what was going to happen. Also, he asks Violet why she sticks her gum behind her ear instead of just chewing a fresh one. Extroverted Intuition (Ne): This is Charlie’s inferior function and being a kid, he hasn’t developed it much yet. However, he shows some creativity when Wonka asks him what kind of sweet treat he’d like to invent.


Charlie Bucket is a kind, sweet, generous 10-year-old boy, the fifth person to find a Golden Ticket and the protagonist of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

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