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Buster Moon MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Buster Moon? Buster Moon is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 379 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

fi?.... guys, when a dude stood in front of him who had BEEN GOING THROUGH the DEATH of his beloved wife for 15 YEARS, he didn't even try to feel his pain and understand it (as Ash did, whose fi is really strong), he only talked about the show, how successful it would be! he perfectly directs people, as does a fairly healthy ENTP (plus a 3w2 eneagram), but this does not change the fact that he endangered people, lied and tricked. and not to bring happiness to someone, first of all to achieve their goals sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language


A koala and the main protagonist of the series. He's the owner of the Moon Theatre, which has been going through some tough times.
