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Mothra MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Mothra? Mothra is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 261 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

(Spoilers for newest movie) KOTM Emerges from cocoon, throws humans on webs instead of killing them. Fe + w1 Doesn't kill Emma and Madison once they get the Orca signal correct. Fe + 2w1 Helps Godzilla w/ Ghidorah with webs. Fe + 2w1 Lures Rodan into close proximity then stabs him but does not kill. Ni + w1 (Rodan is only fighting her because of Ghidorah) Sacrifices herself so essence/power helps Godzilla beat Ghidorah. Fe + Ni + 2w1 (She knows by now she can resurrect I'm sure) Godzilla x Kong Prevents Godzilla from killing Kong. Fe + 2w1 Saves Godzilla from being frozen by Shimo. 2w1 + Fe Saves human squad from falling. 2w1 + Fe (Influence from Jia if not on her own fruition) She has a history of working with humans and maintaining the balance of Earth. Helping Godzilla with maintaining the balance in the long term objectively is the best plan. If Godzilla ever changes priorities in this regard she will probably fight against him. Not mortal wounding Rodan is a dead give away about what type of titan she is, as queen killing her own isn't a priority.

