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King Ghidorah MBTI Personality Type

King Ghidorah MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is King Ghidorah? King Ghidorah is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - sp/sx - 385 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

I know it may seem absurd for typing them when they can be summed up as mindless monsters, but all of the Godzilla kaiju have distinct personalities and goals for why they do what they do. King Ghidorah is stated to be the most intelligent of Godzilla's foes (aside from Space Godzilla), with an overpowering need to reign supreme over the other Kaiju and submit the Earth to his will, even if that means outright destroying it in the process. He's repeatedly compared to a ruler, king or tyrant (in some depictions he's LITERALLY these things), and his intellect distinguishes him as he's the only Kaiju that acts on intent instead of instinct, albeit malevolent intent. Ghidorah is also known to take leadership positions among the other Kaiju, controlling them through a combination of his superior intellect and power, and using them as "foot soldiers" in a sense against Godzilla. In fact, the new movie is entirely based around this premise lol. My 3-headed-boi is ENTJ.

