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Yonaka Kurai MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yonaka Kurai? Yonaka Kurai is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/sx - in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Incomplete, may come back. When she snaps at the end, she begins exerting her idea of order on the castle, usurping King mogeko and molding the castle to her own will as the avatar of Lord Prosciutto. (Lord Proscuitto possessing her does seem to complicate things a bit—is it Yonaka acting the tyrant or him? However, even before she started floating and wearing mogeko’s scalp as a hat, she had already begun systematically oppressing the residents of Mogeko Castle using her Huffspray, which she had carried around without using for the majority of the game. This was her last resort, indicating both Te (taking actions specifically to ensure results) and its position as her inferior.) Yonaka being Se-Ni over Ne-Si was a bit strange to me at first, since she didn’t seem to show stereotypical signs of high Se (working with her hands, loving action), but I think that’s because I tend not to notice Se by itself as an auxiliary function. Usually I deduce its presence via Ne-blindness. It’s much easier for me to see Se when it’s a dominant function… but actually, rewatching the game (shoutout to MBH), I see a lot of Se-Ni in her initial reaction to the castle. When she decides whether or not to enter it, she staggers herself with “But with all I’ve seen so far, that castle and its residents…”. She’s someone who’s very comfortable treating sensory data at face value and relying on it for her decisions. And despite her thinking that she “just [has] one bad feeling after another” (Ni!), she still chooses to trust her eyes and enter. Yonaka’s probably the least stereotypical ISFP I’ve analyzed, maybe because of her enneagram. Most of the ones I’ve seen have been visually flashy (Karamatsu from Osomatsu-San), or if not, at least somewhat aggressive/cold in demeanor (Stan from South Park, Lucy from Elfen Lied). The archetypal ISFPs in my mind (emos/goths) are both. Above all, their internal worldviews have been spelled out and played pivotal roles in the stories featuring them, to the point where I unconsciously pigeoned Yonaka’s meek, mundane-presenting self as “surely not an ISFP because I know what ISFP protagonists look like. Someone this lacking in boldness must be an INFP or something”, even though I know that all Fi-doms can be resolute in their beliefs and I try not to vibe-type anyway. To me, she’s like Patrick but for ISFPs. The meme-y nature of the game didn’t help, either, since I wasn’t sure whether the canon ending was meant to say something significant about her character or if it was one of those “the whole world blows up” things like what happens in Re:Kinder if you stray off the map in a certain area, to say nothing of the other ending (mogeko tellling her the game’s story) being labeled the “true ending”. There was one moment that I interpreted as Se-blindness, though: the first bad ending, where she gets caught by all the Mogekos chasing her at the castle door and… well. I thought maybe she wasn’t able to react in the moment well enough, so that’s why that happened to her. In hindsight, though, there’s not much situational awareness could have done to help her there anyway, which would make this a strange reason to type her Se-blind. I guess if I had to relate her to a character I know, it would be Courage the Cowardly Dog, another Fi-dom sp 6, and one I don’t doubt. Or maybe Senpai from Nagatoro-San. Thinking of her like that makes her seem easier to swallow to me.


Yonaka Kurai (倉井 ヨナカ) is a high school girl and the main protagonist of Mogeko Castle. She is the younger sister of Shinya Kurai.
