Lea Michele MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Lea Michele? Lea Michele is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 386 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

i absolute hate people that comment "Oh her Te is so obvious, cmon guys how can you not see" and don't give any reasoning at all. First of all, stop assuming every ENTJ is a asshole, please! Lea Michele is a REAL asshole, but don't just blame on a personality type. She's a ENFJ and that's a fact. Just see any interview https://youtu.be/_fAq6CClCs4 Fe the hole video!! Fe reasoning, being impacient, giving feedback to everyone, she looks directly to the host, great social skills, asking the host questions as well, very exagerated body language, fake laugh, cutting of the host to talk etc. (But i LOVE her and she's FABULOUS! and i know you love her) ENTJ's are great communicators, they have a very clear and confident speech. Not like a ENFJ who needs to feel "accepted". They are able to engange with people very well bc they are direct and analytcal, almost like they know how to make people like them. Lea Michelle on the other hand is clearly trying to feat in, she looks and nodds bove to the hsot and audience, making sure they are entertained. She keeps talking and when she's interrupted, she still gives postive feedback (Nods, "Yes, totally, of course" etc) 6:24 8:01, 9:14 Ti inferior having a problem with building a logical argument, you can see the way she's looking for the words and cutting herself. ENTJ's DON'T use Fe (mainly) They are logical (ENTJ thinking) They don't usually doubt themselfs 8:40, 10:32 Look how happy she got after the host praised her, she placed her body closer, laughed and tapped her leg. ENTJ's have Fi inferior, that's why they often have a hard time setting personal limits to themselfs, that's why ENTJ's can act risk sometimes, ignore peoples bounderies and set themselfs on a high standart. Lea does exactly the opposite of that, instead of acepting chalenges to prove her value, she says when "she wasn't so good, she won't do that etc" But of course is much easier saying that she is now a ENTJ and "That's just the way they act" then assuming Fe doms can be horrible people. Is absolutely ridiculous to think that Lea Michele would be a highly logical being


Lea Michele Sarfati (born August 29, 1986) is an American actress, singer and author. She began her career as a child actress on Broadway, appearing in productions of Les Misérables (1995–1996), Ragtime (1997–1999), Fiddler on the Roof (2004–2005), and Spring Awakening (2006–2008). Michele is best known for her role on the FOX Series Glee (2009-2015)

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