Jason Bateman MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jason Bateman? Jason Bateman is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 531 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

Jason Bateman specialises in comedy. ★ Ni (Visioning) In the below interview [1] he comes with a scenario already envisioned of what he is going to talk about, and look towards himself for what is he going to say next [1]. > Ni: Introverted iNtuiting (Visioning) Pulling inward for the unconscious correlation of conceptual ideas, possibilities and symbols that enter consciousness as a whole system or idea. BAPT UK | The British Association for Psychological Type ★ J and I In this above interview for instance [1], he is often kind of ill at ease in the moment, taking time to think for himself when spontaneity is required - J and I for introversion. (He is not a writer but I believe that writing is a necessary activity for INTJs so that they can structure and clarify their thoughts by putting them down and out there - Te.) > Structure: In dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called Judging (J) or Perceiving (P). > Favorite world: Do you prefer to focus on the outer world or on your own inner world? This is called Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I). And he is direct in his speech though a little awkward socially ie. see the moment where he says "Good to see you!" [1] INTJ Independent Deep Reserved Intellectual Intense Future-focused Driven Tenacious Direct Private. BAPT UK | The British Association for Psychological Type [1] Jason Bateman on Johnny Carson Interview, Ozark's Final Season & Buddies Sean Hayes & Will Arnett https://youtu.be/P4OQhP-MTd8 ★ See also this wired interview with Jennifer Aniston to compare parent Te and child Te: -> Jennifer Aniston & Jason Bateman Answer the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED https://youtu.be/twFMfsu-sxM ★ Auxiliary Extroverted Thinking: As an auxiliary function, Te manifests as the ability to take concrete, efficient action on the user’s analysis of what the best thing to do would be. The auxiliary-Te monologue: “Now that I have determined the best or most reliable course of action, I will set it into motion using the most straightforward method available to me.” ★ Tertiary Extroverted Thinking: As a tertiary function, Te manifests as the ability to source whichever resources are necessary to make the user’s desire a reality. The tertiary-Te monologue: “I will employ the most straightforward method that exists in order to make my goal, dream or impulse come true.” https://j.mp/3gu0Ph8 Thought Catalog, Heidi Priebe "My mother was hugely responsible for giving me my sense of humour because that above-all-else-do-not-embarrass-yourself John Cleese thing is deep inside me." [ See also C. S. Joseph, in this below lecture, talks about how the INTJ memory works and maybe how Se/Te may helps in picking up humour (see above quote) 11:11min and that (healthy) INTJ can be the funniest of all types. Skip to 12:00min where he talks about that: -> How Do ISTJs Compare To INTJs? | ISTJ Vs. INTJ | CS Joseph https://youtu.be/W4Zy0qw6bfM ]


Jason Kent Bateman (born January 14, 1969) is an American actor, director, and producer. He began acting on television in the early 1980s on Little House on the Prairie, Silver Spoons, and The Hogan Family. In the 2000s, he became known for his role of Michael Bluth using deadpan comedy in the sitcom Arrested Development, for which he won a Golden Globe and a Satellite Award.

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