Mads Mikkelsen MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Mads Mikkelsen? Mads Mikkelsen is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sp/so - 729 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

• Mikkelsen: "I was always a very energetic person; I am still a very energetic person." • "I am a very physical person ... it's a big part of me to throw myself into all the stunts." • "I think life is fun." • "I am incredibly observant of what people are wearing. There really is something about the saying that clothing creates people . ... There's signal-value in all clothing. ... No matter what clothes it is, it does something to you." • Esquire Magazine: "Mikkelsen [plays] villains on [screen]. ... But in real life [he] is upbeat and enthusiastic about life." • The Telegraph: "Mikkelsen has no plans for 2017 yet. 'I don't have a goal; I don't have an ambition. My ambition has always been the project I am on. This sounds pretentious. The pretentiousness is that I just see a little too often that people have been ambitious in their careers. This is what they want to do, and all these little things are just stepping stones to get there.' He looks me straight in the eye. 'But you will never get there. You will always be a little off target. And this will have just been in vain then. So, why don't you just make this project your favorite project in the world? Then the next one. Then all of a sudden everything has been worthwhile. That has always been my philosophy. And so I have no idea where I'm going to end up.'" • [Jung on the Se type]: "Those objects which release the strongest sensation are decisive for the Se’s psychology ... The orientation of such an individual corresponds with purely concrete reality ... Sensation for them is a concrete expression of life—it is simply real life lived to the fullest ... they may differentiate their sensation to the finest pitch of aesthetic purity ... They frequently have a charming and lively capacity for enjoyment; they are at times a jolly fellow, and often a refined aesthete."


Mads Dittmann Mikkelsen, (Danish: [mas ˈmiɡl̩sn̩] ( listen); born 22 November 1965) is a Danish actor. Originally a gymnast and dancer, he began his career as an actor in 1996. He rose to fame in Denmark as Tonny the drug dealer in the first two films of the Pusher film trilogy, and in his role as the brash yet sensitive policeman, Allan Fischer, in Peter Thorsboe's Danish television series Rejseholdet (Unit One) (2000–03).

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