Christoph Waltz MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Christoph Waltz? Christoph Waltz is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/so - 531 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

The Fi is very clear to me. He goes on American shows and directly criticizes American culture, in a very unfiltered way. He's strikes me as a very authentic person in terms of self expression, who uses Fi instead of Fe. And I see a Te aux in his acting method - he says he finds importance in what the director wants the character to be like, and he is able to put down his personal views about the character and try to understand and portray the character in the lens of the director and nothing else. It points to the Te-Fi axis. As for the Ni-Se/Ne-Si axis, I'm not so sure but the flag example I gave further down in the comments section points to him being either an intuitive (INTJ) or a sensor that has a very developed N function. He is very good at drawing associations and looking at the implications of things, but the reason why I think it's Ni and not Ne is because he converges to single conclusions rather than seeing possibilities. His critic on American culture is always like "I observe these behaviours (Se) --> it means this (Ni). And this is shallow/lacks culture (Fi). And I'm going to express this value in a way you will understand (Te)" Looking at his interviews, he isn't a very fact-based person, he focuses on subtexts and painting mental pictures more than what is in the physical world. ENTP to me is a no-go, the Te-Fi is too obvious. People are typing him that while denying the possibility of INTJ because they are stereotyping INTJs to be people who have no sense of humor and are always cold and uptight. In reality, many INTJs are playful, humorous and can be friendly too. Christoph's social behavior is actually slightly awkward, idk why people associate his social skills with Fe, he tends to be critical about things while trying to find eloquence in his wordings, not because he values social norms, but because he wants to be accurate and knows how easy language can be wrongly perceived (Ni-Te), therefore he is careful with words and corrects people when their understanding is inaccurate. Because of his gift and awareness in language, he sounds less intimidating compared to INTJs who are simply blunt.


Christoph Waltz (born 4 October 1956 in Vienna) is an Austrian-German actor. His career revolved mainly around theatre and television in German-speaking Europe... until he was cast as SS Standartenführer Hans Landa (a.k.a. "The Jew Hunter") in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds, a groundbreaking role that brought him international fame and acclaim. He has been regularly cast as a villain or mentor figure ever since. He is fluent in German, French, and English and speaks all three of the languages by himself in both Tarantino movies he appeared in.note Waltz has also won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor twice so far, for his roles in the aforementioned Tarantino movies.

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