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  2. Cartoons
  3. Total Drama (2007)

Leshawna MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Leshawna? Leshawna is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - so/sx - 872 in Enneagram, SCUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

She is very 8 so, deals with a tribe, with a group and her team's defender of the people she loves. The 8 sx would be more possessor of things, in the sense of the intensity he feels. She lives a lot for the social defenses and causes of her tribe. She defines herself like this, if she is my friend and is in my tribe she can count on my loyalty, if she loses my loyalty she won't return. But know that we are a family and whoever is with me and under my protection will be protected until the end. But who I hate, will meet my side 8 !!!


Leshawna can either be a powerful ally, or someone's worst enemy, depending on the person. She is loyal and sassy, yet also can be affectionate and caring. If shown respect, she will reciprocate it indefinitely. Leshawna tells it like it is, and has no fear whatsoever of calling people out on their mistakes. However, she is not one to be messed with, and will not hold back on someone who has wronged her. She will not hesitate to get physical if the matter calls for it, especially if her weight is the topic of discussion. She is not above revenge, be it on her own behalf or that of a friend. She is extremely street-smart, with her vocabulary covered in slang while calling her fellow contestants nicknames such as "Baby", "Honey", and "Sugar". While not on Total Drama, she volunteers to better the lives of other teenagers less fortunate than she is. A goal of hers is to one day open her own community center.
