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  3. Total Drama (2007)

Alejandro Burromuerto MBTI Personality Type

Alejandro Burromuerto MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Alejandro Burromuerto? Alejandro Burromuerto is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 378 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

I don't understand why the fact that Alejandro's main goal was winning when he's literally in a competition necessarily means that he's on the Te-Fi axis. Shouldn't everyone's goal be winning to some extent? I don't think it's fair to say that Fe-doms can't do things that are utterly self-serving and motivated by self-interest only. There is much more to Te than simply wanting to win. Being strategic also isn't something that only Te types can do, especially when you're on a social competition show where being strategic is just generally something that a good player should do. Of course manipulation isn't something that only Fe-doms can do, but ultimately, if there's nothing to suggest Te in his cognitive processes (aside from... having a goal and being strategic which are once again just what it's like to be in a competition), we have no choice but to look at Alejandro's behaviour, which I think everyone can acknowledge is overwhelmingly Fe. The comparison to Heather is overdone, of course, but consider Season 1 Heather's strategy which was clearly fuelled by logic and basically involved her organising her minions, while Alejandro's strategy is ultimately about assimilation and isn't very hierarchical in nature. Aside from the "care about others kumbaya" thing, Alejandro seems to have a whole host of other Fe traits, from his desire for the adulation of others to his use of emotional manipulation to his general strategy of social assimilation and not rocking the boat on that front. Basically everything except the goal-oriented thing is classic Fe-dom, and once again idt the goal-oriented thing is good enough. Furthermore, "He's manipulative and charismatic because he's a 3, not because he's an ENFJ" is also a pretty bad argument because the systems should be used independently. Argue under the assumption that the other person only believes in either MBTI or the Enneagram and not both. If your argument for ExTJ Alejandro could basically boil down to you not being willing to accept that someone with consciously selfish intentions and motivations could be a Fe-dom I don't think we're ever going to agree so just don't respond to this post ngl.


On the surface, Alejandro appears to be a polite, dashing, and charming gentleman, but underneath he is dark and twisted. He is known to use his charm and exceptional persuasion to advance him further in the game.
