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Niander Wallace MBTI Personality Type

Niander Wallace MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Niander Wallace? Niander Wallace is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 538 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

Clearly pragmatic, and systematic, making him one of the NT types. His cautiousness and staying in the shadows is characteristic of either introversion or lower Se. He does not have the Se-child of an ENTJ for instance, not at all. Very abstract, owing to higher Ni, which is more focused and penetrating and divining; he does not demonstrate any dependence on Ne. He is crisp and clear with speech, choosing his words carefully. This makes him direct, and therefore INTJ if not ENTJ, and given my above impressions I would say INTJ is far more likely. He reminds me of The Architect in The Matrix Reloaded, another INTJ.


#JaredLeto as Niander Wallace
