Dakota Fanning MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Dakota Fanning? Dakota Fanning is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - so/sp - 927 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

I think she described herself as an ENFJ. Edit: Self-typing can lead to incorrect typing, but I do think that ENFJ fits her well :).


Hannah #DakotaFanning (born February 23, 1994) is an American actress and model. She rose to prominence at the age of seven for her performance as Lucy Dawson in the drama film I Am Sam (2001), for which she received a Screen Actors Guild Awardnomination at age eight, making her the youngest nominee in SAG history. Fanning played major roles in the films Uptown Girls (2003), The Cat in the Hat(2003), Man on Fire (2004), War of the Worlds (2005), Dreamer (2005), and Charlotte's Web (2006).

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