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Asakura Hao MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Asakura Hao? Asakura Hao is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - so/sp - 146 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

I will vote as soon as I analyze his personality. But it's one of my favorite characters. EDIT: After reading each manga and watching the two animated versions of Shaman King for the second time, I can say that he really is an ENTJ. The reason is that not all extroverts need to be surrounded by people 24 hours a day or lavishing smiles. Many times they may prefer to isolate themselves in comfortable environments (emotionally or psychologically) in order to see their own life path they are taking. In the case of Hao Asakura, he can sometimes be mistaken for an Introvert due to his chapters as a child. It is necessary to mention the observation of the environment in which the character found himself, and his conduct was nothing more than a response to the respective hostile environment. His Te is extremely obvious. Although he often demonstrates scenes that can be confused with Fe-dom, it's actually Ni-aux's aid (besides obviously his ability to read "people's hearts"). Te-dom is visible in every moment that the character establishes a decision/action/attitude in an immutable way, especially when talking about his goals.


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