Bill Hader MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Bill Hader? Bill Hader is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 649 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

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William Thomas Hader Jr. (born June 7, 1978) is an American comedian, actor, voice actor, producer, writer and director. He is known for his work as a cast member on Saturday Night Live (2005–2013), for which he has received four Emmy Award nominations, South Park (2008–present) and the parody series Documentary Now! (2015–present). He co-created and stars in the HBO series Barry, which began airing in March 2018 and earned Hader an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series and three other Emmy nominations for Outstanding Comedy Series, Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series and Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series in its first season.He is known for his supporting roles in Hot Rod (2007), Superbad (2007), Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008), Tropic Thunder (2008), Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (2009), Paul (2011), Men in Black 3 (2012), Maggie's Plan (2015) and It – Chapter Two (2019) and for his leading roles in the dramedy The Skeleton Twins (2014) and the romantic comedy Trainwreck (2015).

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