Bryan Cranston MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Bryan Cranston? Bryan Cranston is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sx/so - 739 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

"Jesse, we gotta debate with Gus, JESSE!"


Bryan Lee Cranston (born March 7, 1956) is an American actor, voice actor, producer, director, and screenwriter, best known for his roles as Walter White on the AMC crime drama Breaking Bad, Hal on the Fox sitcom Malcolm in the Middle, and Dr. Tim Whatley on the NBC sitcom Seinfeld. For Breaking Bad, Cranston won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series four times (2008–2010, 2014), including three consecutive wins (the second time in television history after Bill Cosby in I Spy during the 1960s).

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