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Jasper Hale MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jasper Hale? Jasper Hale is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 649 in Enneagram, RCUAN in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

i personally see him as ISTP. ISFJ vs ISTP - ISFJ - Si>Fe>Ti>Ne. ISTP - Ti>Se>Ni>Fe. Si vs Ti Si - (familiarity) attends to own classification of details (very detail oriented, also is big on traditions and following the rules) oriented to the past and its importance (learns from the past, looks to past mistakes and try not to repeat them) seeks familiarity, stability, security experiences the world through "comparison" approaches world carefully conventional, stubborn, always trying to avoid risk. Ti - (coherence) attends to own framework of reasoning oriented to accuracy and precision of knowledge seeks skillful ness and self sufficiency experiences the world through calculation can be self assured, confident in own capabilities can also be detached, reductive, or dismissive.


Jasper Hale (born Jasper Whitlock in 1844, in Houston, Texas) is one of the few surviving vampires of the Southern vampire wars, who later joined the Olympic coven. He is the husband of Alice Cullen and the adoptive son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, as well as the adoptive brother of Rosalie Hale, Emmett and Edward Cullen. Jasper is also the adoptive brother-in-law of Bella Swan and the adoptive uncle of Renesmee Cullen.
