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Jacob Black MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jacob Black? Jacob Black is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - 628 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

What I hate so much is that he was a viable romance option for Bella and was so much healthier than Edward. Then Smeyer goes and makes him go full incel in Eclipse, and you already know his deal with Renesmee. If Smeyer didn't mess up his character, we could've had an actual moment of romantic tension between the three since Bella would have to choose between stability (Jacob) and mystery (Edward) but Smeyer decided to go all in on the Brooding 100 Year Old Twink.


Jacob Ephraim Black is a werewolf and former Beta of Sam Uley's pack, later the Alpha of his own pack. In New Moon, at the age of sixteen, he transforms into a wolf for the first time. He is the imprinter of Bella's half-human/half-vampire daughter, Renesmee (whom he affectionately dubbed "Nessie"). He is portrayed by #TaylorLautner in the movie adaptations.
