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Hailee Steinfeld MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Hailee Steinfeld? Hailee Steinfeld is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sx/so - 631 in Enneagram, SCOAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

Literally thought ISFP for ages. Se VERY front and center but Sag energy just be amplifying the tert Se to beast mode levels out here.


Hailee Steinfeld (born December 11, 1996) is an American actress and singer. She made her breakthrough as Mattie Ross in True Grit (2010), for which she was nominated for numerous accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Thereafter, Steinfeld gained prominence for roles in Ender's Game (2013), Romeo & Juliet (2013), Begin Again (2013), and 3 Days to Kill (2014). Steinfeld has also be portrayed Kate Bishop in Marvel's Hawkeye (2021) alongside Jeremy Renner.

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