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Riliane Lucifen D'Autriche MBTI Personality Type

Riliane Lucifen D'Autriche MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Riliane Lucifen D'Autriche? Riliane Lucifen D'Autriche is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sp/so - 287 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Evil tyrant doesn’t always equal ENTJ. Riliane was all Se, very self indulgent in material things just for pleasure. She also had a lot of unhealthy Fi. Many of her worst actions were prompted by impulsive reactions to her feelings being hurt. (Green hunting). Te is shown by how she tried to control everyone and everything, despite not being very good at it. And finally inferior Ni in how she never thought about the consequences of her actions.


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