Allen Avadonia MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Allen Avadonia? Allen Avadonia is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/so - 621 in Enneagram, RCOAN in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

I'm really surprised that my boy Allen's typed as a core 2. Core 2s deal with shame by being motivated by pride, hence, they want to try to be seen as really helpful, which can lead them to be kind off in the spotlight as well, yet, my boy's completely fine with not being seen, and is fine with supporting Riliane by watching over her in the shadows, despite the fact that she doesn't know who he is. I think it's time to put a little reminder that being a good and kind person doesn't equal being a core too guys ;) ! Anyway, as he said it, he's her servant, hence, if 2s is out of the picture, I can only see him either as a core 6, or as a 9 (edit : ended up typing him as a 7, makes sense lmao). Everything that he does, is still centred around her, and he wants to protect her more than anything, and constantly put her feelings above his, like when he was ordered to kill that blue-haired girl despite the fact that he was in love with her, and despite the pain that it caused him. He's ready to do anything for his sister. "If the whole world plots to extinguish your light, If they find the need to make you break and cry, Don’t you worry, dear, I am right by your side." The whole point of his character is that he's Riliane's loyal servant, and all he wants is to see her smile ("So just smile for me; it’ll be alright"). I'm reading the manga (or at least what I can find of it, a bit off-topic but if anyone has an english translation that goes further than the chapter 2 of act 1, I'm in ;-;), and there's this really sweet moment where he's asked why he's happy, and he just replies with "Riliane smiled at me". My boy, also has no desire than to be reborn, so he can have fun, and be able to play with Riliane again : "If only we could be reborn then.. Let's play again, okay ?", which makes me think that he possibly has a 7 somewhere, I'm possibly going for a wing. I re-read my notes, and there was a moment when, speaking with Elluka, Allen shares his concerns with the fact that people might discover that him & Riliane are twins, because obviously they look so much alike. I wrote this as possible his inferior ne showing up and imagining the worse case scenario, but to be fair, it could also be 6s anxiety, I'm not quite sure. I also thought that he could be a social 7 at some point as well, since "This countertype acts against the gluttony that characterises the Seven, tending to mistype with Enneagram 2. They are generous and have a strong desire to be of service, to create a better world. They will sacrifice their own needs to serve the needs of a group or person they support. They can be judgemental regarding selfishness in themselves or others and they hope to be appreciated for their sacrifice", which well, could fit with Allen. I'm gonna have to keep making researches on social 7s, since my knowledge about them is quite ehhh, but Allen's objective is constantly to make Riliane's happy, no matter what. He killed the blue-haired girl for that reason, he's happy when she's happy and smiles, he only wants to be reborn so he & her can play again, and the list goes on and on. I also think this quote could quite fit : "Social Sevens take on a lot of responsibility in the group or the family. In doing this, they express a sacrifice of gluttony for the benefit of others. They postpone their own desires in order to enact an ideal of service. As the name of this subtype suggests, “Sacrifice” means a willingness to be of service.; In line with their need for recognition of their sacrifices, there is a tendency in this Social subtype to adopt the role of helper, to be of service". It could also explained why he was mistyped as a 2, even if, to be fair, sp6 can also be mistyped as 2s. 1/3


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