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  2. Cartoons
  3. King of the Hill

Cotton Hill MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Cotton Hill? Cotton Hill is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/so - 873 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

ESTP not ESTJ. He’s a fiery, crude old man who likes to slap women on the butt and intimidate but he’s not a managerial type..too chaotic


Colonel Cotton Lyndal Hill (December 7, 1927-November 11, 2007) was the father of Hank Hill, Good "G.H." Hank Hill, Junichiro (his illegitimate half-Japanese son), the father-in-law of Peggy Hill and the grandfather of Bobby Hill. Cotton was consistently a chauvinistic, violent, abusive and intolerant character. Cotton talked down to women, berated his son, was prone to violent outbursts, and, on more than one occasion, exhibited homicidal tendencies. Cotton's abrasive and misogynistic manner was consistently embarrassing for Hank and usually infuriated Peggy. Throughout his history in the series, Cotton never once addressed Peggy by name, but instead called her "Hank’s Wife", which was used as a running gag, including on the very rare occasion that he's tried to be nice to her ("Cotton's Plot"). Cotton even passed on some of his sexist and misogynistic traits to Bobby, and, at one point, taught him that women should be made to cook and clean for their husbands all day long.

Cartoons Characters Similar to Cotton Hill
