Dylan O'Brien MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Dylan O'Brien? Dylan O'Brien is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - so/sx - 729 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

Ne: When you listen to him talk, you’re bound to realize how much he talks in pictures. Even his choice of words is not concrete, they don’t refer to definite objects, but to an image that you have to imagine up yourself. He also uses words that he came up with; it’s almost like having a personal vocabulary on his own Fi: Dylan is unable to stay deadpan while he’s joking. Once he was even dared not to laugh for a minute—he started to break after 7 seconds, and ended up failing the dare (he laughed twice). During acting, he can convey pretty much everything solely with his eyes like they were two infinitely deep wells of emotion. He tells without words or without doing anything what his character is thinking/going through inwardly, and you can practically hear the character’s thoughts as though they were spoken out loud. Te: Dylan is determined when he’s working on something, and devotes his time/energy to his project. He has a tendency for multitasking and won’t reject a job when it means something to him personally Si: According to him, he didn’t plan on becoming an actor or even having a public role as part of his job. Dylan is very polite and can be a little conservative when it comes to impressing girls—he admitted to having stood in front of a girl’s house with a rose in between his teeth.


Dylan O'Brien (born August 26, 1991) is an American actor. He is known for his lead role as Thomas in the dystopian science-fiction adventure trilogy The Maze Runner (2014–2018) and for his role as Stiles Stilinski in the MTV television series Teen Wolf.

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