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Magus MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Magus? Magus is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sx/sp - 458 in Enneagram, RLOEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

"Sigh... To have gained so much, and then have lost it again..." Just changed my vote from 5w4 to 4w5 after reading through some of the Chrono Trigger script. He is dark and melancholic in a way that only a 4w5 can be. There's just something in the way he's so sullen and dreary at times that fits the 4w5 description perfectly. I get the 8 votes because the sx/sp instinctual stacking makes him far more aggressive, but his competence in battle is how he expresses his individuality. "We Wizards and humans have brought about our own ruin... Except for you and I, this world is populated by cretins... The one who wins this battle... ...will rule the world... No, make that RULE THE FUTURE..." That's a little too dramatic for most 8s. And this even extends to his dialogue as a child. Janus: Don't waste your time. Alfador only likes me. Apparently we aren't special enough to pet his cat. Edit: "I survived the darkness to defeat you!" Is probably the most 4w5 thing I've heard anyone say ever.

