Olivia Wilde MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Olivia Wilde? Olivia Wilde is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - sp/sx - 692 in Enneagram, RLUEN in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

Love how everyone thought she was ISTP and now they think she’s toxic and have changed their mind. She’s the same person people. You can’t just suddenly vote Se dom or Fe dom because you want to hate on her. She really isn’t even that bad (that will get me downvotes). Honestly, she has a certain deadpan dry logical disposition that immediately makes me think Ti-dom but she’s a celebrity so nobody really knows the real her so I’m being a little stereotypical. Anyway, I’ll stick with ISTP as people were quite sure and now are only voting otherwise because they don’t like her and think she’s phony. Do better voters. Don’t vote the type you don’t like for her because you don’t like her now.


Olivia Wilde (born Olivia Jane Cockburn; March 10, 1984) is an American actress, model, producer, director and activist. She is known for her role as Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley on the medical-drama television series House (2007–2012), and her roles in the films Alpha Dog (2007), Tron: Legacy (2010), Cowboys & Aliens (2011), Butter (2011), Drinking Buddies (2013), The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (2013), Her (2013), The Lazarus Effect (2015), Love the Coopers (2015), and Meadowland (2015).In 2017, Wilde made her Broadway debut, playing the role of Julia in 1984.

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