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  2. Cartoons
  3. Danny Phantom

Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton MBTI Personality Type

Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton? Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 216 in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

to Danny: "I wanted you to tell me [your secret] first"


Danny's older sister is an intelligent 16-year old who claims to be an adult trapped in a teenager's body. As such, she's often playing a parental role towards her entire family, trying to lead her parents into normality and shielding a then unsure Danny from the harsh realities of the outside world. After finding out ghosts are indeed real and Danny's Secret Identity, she slowly gains admiration for her growing brother and eventually becomes part of "Team Phantom". She eventually lets down her shield and slowly starts to act her age, all the while happily acknowledging her love for ghosts — at several times, becoming a badass bookworm.
