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Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius MBTI Personality Type

Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius? Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 386 in Enneagram, RLOEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

When i was a kid, i thought he was hot I don't think i'm going to change my mind


A devious villain with good publicity, Vlad is a manipulative, clever, genius billionaire who has made it his lifetime goal to kill his former best friend Jack Fenton and subsequently take back the woman he loves, Maddie. His other goal is to convince Danny to join his side as his surrogate son due to their similar natures (that Danny often denies) and powers.

Cartoons Characters Similar to Vlad Masters / Vlad Plasmius
