Terry Crews MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Terry Crews? Terry Crews is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 2w1 - so/sx - 296 in Enneagram, SCOAN in Big 5, ESE in Socionics.

(Socionics Model G typing) Accidentally deleted my comment before posting it, whoops. Anyway, Crews is quite clearly an extravert and seems very likely to be an Ej temperament. Fe is very strong and is almost certainly base over role. This leaves only ESE and EIE. I believe Crews is EIE over ESE. Beta NF indicators can be seen, such as his role in the Me Too movement and campaigning for women's rights, his anti-drug message in his first film, and his opposition to pornography usage. He is a devout Christian and takes account of spiritual needs through this. He has a great interest in personal development (an intuitive area) having read hundreds of books on the issue. Fe-, the ethics of dramatic emotions, can be seen at times, such as here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zft697iv4y0 He has been willing to try out new roles and has attempted to broaden his career options. I also think he is a Central, Se-Ni valuing type and ultimately is a typical EIE-C, the most common type in lists of famous people. For secondary subtype, I do not see much sign of H subtype first of all. EIE-CN or EIE-CD both seem plausible, but I think Crews is likely EIE-CN, he seems to fit the Normalizing subtype better and I don't see him as having a dominant bend in general. I could even see EIE-NC as a possibility, but I think Creative takes precedence.


Terry Alan Crews (born July 30, 1968) is an American actor, comedian, artist, activist and former American football player. Crews played Julius Rock on the UPN/CW sitcom Everybody Hates Chris and Nick Kingston-Persons in the TBS sitcom Are We There Yet?. He has also hosted the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and starred in the BET reality series The Family Crews. He appeared in films such as Friday After Next (2002), White Chicks (2004), Idiocracy (2006), and the Expendables series. Since 2013, he played NYPD Sergeant Terry Jeffords in the sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

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