Explosive Sadistic MBTI Personality Type
What personality type is Explosive Sadistic? Explosive Sadistic is an personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/so - 486 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, in Socionics.
"The unpredictability and sudden emergence of hostility differentiates the explosive sadist from other variants of this personality type. The explosive sadist manifests adultlike tantrums, uncontrollable rage, and fearsome attacks on others, most frequently against members of his or her own family. Before its intensive nature can be identified and constrained, there is a rapid escalation of fury in which unforgivable things are said and unforgettable blows are struck. Explosive behaviors erupt precipitously. Feeling thwarted or threatened, these sadists respond in a volatile and hurtful way, bewildering others with these abrupt changes. As with children, tantrums are instantaneous reactions to cope with frustration or fear. Often effective in intimidating others into silence or passivity, explosive behavior is not primarily an instrumentality, but rather an outburst that serves to discharge pent-up feelings of humiliation and degradation. Disappointed and feeling frustrated in life, these persons lose control and seek revenge for the mistreatment and deprecation to which they feel subjected. In contrast to other sadists, the explosive type does not move about in a surly and truculent manner. Rather, their rages burst out uncontrollably, often unpredictably, and with no apparent provocation. In periods of explosive rage, they may unleash a torrent of abuse and storm about defiantly, cursing and voicing bitter contempt for all. This quality of sudden and irrational belligerence and the frenzied lashing out distinguish this form of sadistic disorder from the others. Many are hypersensitive to feelings of betrayal or may be deeply frustrated by the futility and hopelessness of their lives. Faced with repeated failures, humiliations, and frustrations, this sadist’s limited controls may be quickly overrun by deeply felt and undischarged resentments. Once released, the fury of the moment draws on the memories and emotions of the past that surge unrestrained to the surface and breaking out into a wild, irrational, and uncontrollable rage. From the preceding descriptions, it would not be unreasonable to hypothesize that explosive sadists possess beneath their surface controls an affective pattern akin to that seen in the instability of the borderline. Periodically under control, but lacking the cohesion of psychic structure to maintain these controls, these individuals at times erupt with the precipitous and vindictive behaviors that signify the sadistic personality style. Whether justified or not, certain persons come to symbolize for sadists the sense of frustration and hopelessness they feel and that spark their explosive reactions. These symbolic figures must be obliterated: Unable to resolve the real sources of their resentment and frustration, these symbols of feelings of futility and hopelessness must be removed from the scene, lest they block all venues of escape. Feeling trapped and impotent, explosive sadists may be provoked into a panic and blind rage. Their violence is a desperate lashing out against symbols rather than reality. Physical assaults during these periods are often the product of verbally unskilled individuals seeking to terminate an altercation in which they feel incapable of responding effectively. Unable to verbalize what and why they feel the way they do, sensing that they are being outmaneuvered and humiliated, these personalities respond in the only way in which they can remove the irritation they feel. Impotence and personal failure provide the impetus for the aggressive act. The violence of the attack serves to release accumulated tensions. In many ways, the identity of the victim is rather incidental and arbitrarily selected. The explosions are not so much a social response as an emotional release. However, social indifference accounts for but a small portion of explosive abuse. In the main, and as noted previously, the sadist has established ‘‘safe partners’’ for abuse, persons who have come to symbolize their failures and frustrations, and who know their inadequacies. With minimal prompting, a full rush of hostile feelings is directed at the symbol of the sadist’s discontent. Precipitous abuse is unleashed with minimal justification and minimal provocation. To explosive sadists, however, the mere presence of the symbol stirs their deep feelings of failure and reminds them of the violations that life has done to their hopes and their integrity. Although insidious in its development, once another person has come to symbolize their frustrations and life’s impossibilities, little is required to prompt an explosive reaction."
Individuals who engage in explosive sadism are highly reactive and their sadistic actions can seem to come out of nowhere. Somewhat like a narcissistic rage, when they are set off, their fury and rage spill over to everyone in their vicinity. Surprisingly, some explosive sadists feel remorse over their blow-ups.
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