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Misaki Kuno MBTI Personality Type

Misaki Kuno MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Misaki Kuno? Misaki Kuno is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Misaki Kuno (久野 美咲, Kuno Misaki, born January 19, 1993) is a Japanese actress and voice actress from Tokyo, Japan. As a child, Misaki appeared on stage shows such as Musical Wizard of Oz and Wandering. In 2003, she made her debut as a voice actress in the dubbing of the Korean film Phone. Misaki was active in dubbing foreign films early in her career, but since 2010, her appearance in anime and game works has increased. Her voice quality is described as like the "real voice of a young child" and a "voice with a unique presence". Her most notable roles include Hawk from The Seven Deadly Sins, Tama from WIXOSS, Shio Kōbe from Happy Sugar Life, Nico Niiyama from Kiznaiver, Klee from Genshin Impact and Momo Kawamoto from March Comes In Like a Lion.

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