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Midori "Sou Hiyori" MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Midori "Sou Hiyori"? Midori "Sou Hiyori" is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 783 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

alright, i understand the bandwagon of INFJ votes but i'm going to do my best to explain why i still believe midori is an ENTP, not through stereotype. first of all, i see a lot of people saying he has ni because of the way he plans. i am not denying that he uses ni, but i believe there are a few misconceptions about his actions and the way he goes about said plans. he acts as this "evil mastermind" type, which is something often associated with ni doms, but he seems to not actually care about the integrity of his plans, instead finding it more interesting when sara and the others manage to spoil them or change the game, aside from the end in the banquet (which i will discuss in a bit). from what the shin ai tells us about midori, he is an inventor, and the death game is something of a big human experiment for him. the way shin describes him here is definitely ne-ti. midori is someone who tests ideas and does things for the sake of seeing what will happen, as well as seeing how others will react (aux fe). something that i believe reflects his ne and use of ti>fe is how he conducts experiments on not only others, but his own body. during the banquet it is revealed that he has exchanged the majority of his body parts for doll parts. he also says he had no plan of what to do with his human parts, which is why he ended up giving his hands to mai, on a complete whim. sara asks him why and he says there is no special significance to why he chose mai, which makes me go against him being an ni dom. he also doesn't always see things through and fails to predict the consequences of his actions, instead acting in the moment, which is what happens when keiji attacks him at the end of 3-1a, yet he warps it to pretend it is part of his plan, knowing he has no means to defend himself. he is shocked when ranmaru rips up the contract at the beginning of 3-1b, but brushes it off as he knows it will only make things more interesting. he also does nothing to stop ranmaru from acting despite ranmaru having nothing to do with his plans and allows him to kill alice/reko in the sou route as it makes the game more interesting. he also actively allows sara to make her own decisions. he has no set vision of how things are supposed to end, as long as he survives. now, his other actions during the banquet- i think a lot of people are confusing his sp 7 and fear of death with inf se. sure, midori is worried because his whole plan has fallen apart, but more than anything he's run out of ideas to save himself. even as the game goes on and sara continues to pick coffins, he thinks on his feet quickly as she starts sees through his strategy. he says things to get a reaction out of sara, to try and shake her up, going through every possible scenario in order to save himself, even desperately offering to spare keiji in exchange for gin's life, which is against his own rules. he is so caught up that his downfall ends up being his inability to look back at the own framework he has built for himself, and the rules he created from the start of the game (inf si). finally, while his fe is very prominent, it is also very unhealthy. manipulation =/ fe, though he does use fe to get in people's heads, its not in the same way an fe aux would use it. if midori was INFJ, he would use fe to carry out his grand plan, which isnt exactly what he does. fe more comes after, as a helper so he can carry out his experiments and draw people in with the false promises of wishes being fulfilled through asunaro. hopefully this all sounds ok, a lot of people were complaining that there were no arguments for ne so i did the best i could :]


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