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Omar Navarro MBTI Personality Type

Omar Navarro MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Omar Navarro? Omar Navarro is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, - sx/sp - 836 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

INTJ type 8 is extremely rare, and as I have learned more and more about type 8s, I've seen that most INTJ type 8s are actually sx 6s. Omar Nevarro is one of them. What about this man says 8 to you all? He isn't at all impulsive or lustful, he doesn't seek to control for control's sake or personal autonomy or a sense of justice. He wants to protect his family, his interests, and his people. He literally spends a good chunk of the show trying to escape his life, and his only mistake was putting faith in the wrong people. He is incredibly aggressive, yes, but only because he needs to be for his own safety. He lashes out and attacks before people can get to him. A clear sx 6 in my opinion.


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