Azazello MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Azazello? Azazello is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.


Azazello (Азазелло) is a menacing, fanged, and wall-eyed member of Woland's retinue who acts as a messenger and assassin. His name may be a reference to Azazel, the fallen angel who taught people to make weapons and jewelry, and taught women the "sinful art" of painting their faces (mentioned in the pseudepigraphal Book of Enoch 8:1–3). He gives a magical cream to Margarita. He transforms into his real shape in the end: a pale-faced demon with black empty eyes. Bulgakov appends an Italian suffix to the Hebrew name עֲזָאזֵל [Azazel]. The name Azazel is frequently associated with Satan in various religious texts and beliefs. In Bulgakov's archives, a book called Azazel and Dionysus was discovered, authored by Nikolai Evreinov (1879-1953), who was a director, dramatist, historian, philosopher, and psychologist, and published in 1924. Aleksey Rozin as Azazello, a sharpshooter in Woland's suite

Movies Characters Similar to Azazello
