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Helmeppo MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Helmeppo? Helmeppo is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sp/sx - 468 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Helmeppo is NOT an ESTJ 3w4. Firstly let's talk about MBTI. For those of you saying that he is an unhealthy Te dom, that's not how unhealthy Te works. Unhealthy Te goes hard on argumentation with others, offending people by disregarding their personal values, overworking to the point of exhaustion, implementing strict rules upon others, etc. This character doesn't show any traits associated with Te (regardless of the individual being healthy or unhealthy) like critical analysis of individual situations, systematic thinking, cooking up strategy, extensive planning, and resource management. Even his communication style is not that of a Te dom. Te Doms have a businesslike communication style: stoic, blunt, to the point, devoid of social tact, and heavy focus on sharing relevant information at all times. Helmeppo is constantly shown to be needy, whiny, and an emotional wreck. He constantly has emotional outbursts when things don't go his way. He doesn't have a critical or strategic approach to things and just acts spontaneously in the heat of the moment. He is also NOT a 3w4 either. A 3 is a type who feels unworthy of love deep down inside, so they aim to live a life of achievement and fame. They have lofty goals and constantly work on their skills. They want to draw people's attention towards their achievements and competency so people would admire them. Gaining admiration from others make 3s feel lovable and accepted. This dude has no such qualities. He never tries to improve his skills, heck, he doesn't even have a goal that he's working/building towards. He simply demands attention for existing. He is nothing but a spoiled brat who thinks he deserves recognition without making any effort. He gets angry and throws tantrums when he doesn't get the recognition. Mind you, 3s are stoic and outwardly unemotional. 3s are the most unemotional out of all heart types and suppress their emotions. They never let their emotions of inferiority be known to others out of a fear of rejection. This guy does the opposite. He throws a fit every time and outs his emotions at every turn, contradicting the very nature of 3s.


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