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Satoshi Hino MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Satoshi Hino? Satoshi Hino is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w9 - so/sp - 153 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.


Satoshi Hino (born August 4, 1978 in San Francisco, California) is a US-born seiyuu, famous for voicing Unlucky Everydude and Ordinary High-School Student characters. Sometimes they might be more badass than though. Although being born in San Francisco, he does not speak English that fluently because he moved out to Japan when he was 5. Then, when he was starting school, he found a dislike to the language because kids were so persistent about him 'talking in English' all the time because it was unusual in a kindergarten student. Now an adult, he really laments not having mastered the language. However, his English accent isn't half bad. He is also a kendo fan. Has diversified his typecast, with some Vocal Evolution to boot; beforehand he was mostly cast as pretty boys or an Ordinary High-School Student, but afterward he became the go-to actor for deep-voiced macho guys. Married Saki Nakajima in January 2015
