Jessica Walter MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Jessica Walter? Jessica Walter is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - - 351 in Enneagram, in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

in multiple interviews talking about playing Lucille Bluth, Jessica has a deep understanding of what kind of character would bathe in passive-agressive malevolence like that - she understands certain one-liners that automatically have multiple meanings and can be used in manipulative ways. she never gives clear-cut examples of people who behave like Lucille from her own life, but understands that many people have experienced someone like that. all of this I see as indicating high Ni. Jessica out of character is much friendlier and calmer than the Te-dom women she portrays, but she's also very good at applying multiple meanings to her own speech. I saw this the other day - in the press interviews for Season 5 of Arrested Development, which deals with Donald Trump's border wall, she says succinctly, "the wall was my idea" - deliberately making it unclear whether shes speaking in character or as herself, in this instance for the sake of humor. anyways yeah. glad to have this profile up finally, someone link her to the Lucille and Malory Archer pages asap. and RIP Legend. edit: okay an ENTP vote - so I see how my same logic would apply to an ENTP if she were that and she is feeling-blind either way but idk everything I track down of her doing press I don't see her as an extrovert or Ti oriented at all


Jessica Walter (January 31, 1941 – March 24, 2021) was an American stage, film, and television actress from New York City. Born in Brooklyn to Esther and David Walter, she grew up in Queens, then attended Manhattan's High School of Performing Arts and graduated from there. Walter was best known to 21st century audiences because basically, if you needed a bitter, cynical old woman, Jessica Walter was your lady. Her two best-known roles from that era are playing the (hilariously) cold and cruel matriarch Lucille Bluth in Arrested Development, and voicing the similarly cruel and cold (and hilarious) head of ISIS Mallory Archer in Archer. To older generations, she is known to be in a multitude of film and television series, with her best-known role being the Stalker with a Crush Evelyn Draper in Play Misty for Me. She was married to fellow actor Ron Leibman from 1983 until his death in 2019. Walter eventually died peacefully in her sleep at age 80.

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