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Belle (Female MC) MBTI Personality Type

Belle (Female MC) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Belle (Female MC)? Belle (Female MC) is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 7w6 - sx/sp - 729 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

Fi found in the fact that she considers her feelings in conversation and internalizes them before making blunt and impulsive statements/comments. Fi does not mean, 'Doesn't like to show feelings', it means keeping feelings internalized and thought out before reacting. Belle is a good representation of a balance of Fi alongside being functionally extroverted. She may not be afraid to share her opinions in situations not involving emotions/feelings but when it comes to feeling and moral decisions/dilemmas, she internalizes those feelings and emotions at times before saying what's on her mind. But sometimes also impulsively responds which is normal for any person. So personally I see the Fi more apparent than Fe, which is why I put her as ENFP rather than ENTP. Response to argument: It's a hard argument between ENFP or ENTP. I get your points, as well as stand by my belief of her as an ENFP. Again I stand by that in professional scenarios, she makes a lot of logical decisions where it is matter of life and death and further safety/security of her clients as a proxy. However, outside of her work in more of the companion interactions/missions, she really demonstrates her Fi. She quite openly shows a healthy balance of empathy and sympathy around others, always wanting the betterment of others over her own thrill and self-satisfaction of helping others. You need to also consider that the messy room does not play into ENTP alone, as ENFPs also have Si as their last function. Just because she has a messy room means she holds values higher than order? That's a stereotypical example of identifying ENTP to be quite honest. Additionally, remember that sympathy and empathy are very different. Sympathy: Doing what you can to resolve or improve a situation, for simplicity, responding/attending to one's concern. Empathy: The ability to sense one's emotions and placing oneself in another's shoes and situation as to what they might be *thinking* or *feeling*. Belle really demonstrates a healthy balance of both ENFP and ENTP traits I won't deny that. However, if we are basing of personal life rather than occupational/professional life, she comes of more as an ENFP than ENTP. And also, it depends on the decisions you make in the game yourself as the player. Where I see Belle really show her ENFP traits is when your interacting with Grace and Grace 'asks for a hug'. When Belle is hesitant at first to initiate such an action with Grace (knowing Grace's personality and qwerky obsessions), Grace genuinely has some internal values that she contemplates on. With having only the option to try and prepare for such a hug, or offering just a little hug. This shows her Fi Te functions quite openly. Then when Grace proceeds to hug Eous instead of Belle, Belle's lack of response and smug/deflective response to rejection shows her vulnerability to opening up to someone like Grace. There is her ENFP trait that I kind of base of. She is both empathetic and sympathetic to Grace and trusting her that she genuinely wants a hug. However, the misinterpretation and rejection falls back on her and she retreats into a 'shy state' where she probably thinks to herself, 'OMG why did I think that Grace would actually want a hug from me! I know she only cares about machines.' I feel that an ENTP would respond differently (to be honest I am not sure how one would so feel free to comment and lmk what kind of response an ENTP would have.) Honestly, I'm sick of having to justify my analysis and reason as to why she is ENFP and all I am getting is backlash from ENTP supporters. So just stick to your own posts and make this space a place for people to share their findings and stop trying to prove the other side wrong. Just believe in what you believe and stop trying to convert people. Edit: ENFP does have Si as the 4th cognitive function. Also you needa clarify your grammatical explanations better, to say values over order is very misleading. Because using the terminology of values as a verb can be misinterpreted. Use other words such as prioritizes/treasures/prizes to replace the verb 'values' as values also is a noun used to describe 'moral values'. Agree to disagree as I stand believing and labelling Belle as an ENFP.


A cheerful and easy-going young girl. Perceptive and alert, she is not afraid of adversity.

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